Green Street Gallery 20th Anniversary Reunion Exhibition
Friday, February 2, 2018 to Sunday, March 25, 2018
February 2 – March 25, 2018.
Opening Event: First Friday, February 2, 5:30 – 8:30PM.
Gallery hours: Tues, Wed, Thur 6-9pm, Sat 2-5pm.

In 1997 the Gallery @ Green Street opened the first exhibition in the Green Street T Station in Jamaica Plain. The gallery was built from scratch and staffed over the years by a dynamic and generous group of artists.
Where did YOU meet your best friends? For many of the artists in this exhibition the place they met was Green Street Gallery. We wanted to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the opening of Green Street, the amazing experience of showing art in a subway station, and the many life-long friendships forged there.
From December 1997 to December 2006 the Gallery @ Green Street and its volunteer staff of artists and supporters created 80 exhibitions attracting an average of 4000 viewers a month of all ages to the windows of its subway location. The artwork in this exhibition was created by the staff and artists that exhibited at the award-winning alternative space.
Laconia Gallery will also be launching a “Social Space” for gathering and exchanging new ideas for artworks, alternative spaces and memories of what we all gained from the experience of teaming up to make a non-profit art space happen from the ground up. The interior gallery space at Laconia will provide a background exhibition of works by artists involved with Green Street over the years (especially works created by our staff of artist / volunteers), a large conference table and refreshments for many casual gatherings and events. We hope to spend time with old and new friends celebrating the creative support artists provide other artists here in Boston.
At its core, the exhibit will feature photographs of staff and supporters at openings, events and even during the initial build-out of the gallery. If you care to host an evening at Laconia’s Social Space during the exhibit, just contact James Hull or Donna and pick a time and bring the people you want to hang out with and catch up. Days, Nights and weekends can be reserved – it’s just a table and chairs with refreshments provided – a projector or large monitor and wifi are available for use inside the space.