150×150: The Mad Dash 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012 to Sunday, May 20, 2012
Opening Preview Reception:
First Friday, May 4, 5:30-8:30pm
Public Previews:
Saturday, May 5, 12-4pm
Sunday, May 6, 12-6pm (SoWa Artwalk)
Friday May 11, 12-4pm
Mad Dash:
Saturday, May 12, Noon
Gallery Hours:
Fri – Sun, 12-4pm

150 works of art for $150 each
2012 DATE: MAY 12 AT NOON———–Please come to the public previews first to get a good look at all the amazing artwork by well-known local artists.The Saturday event is a race for art, and artwork can be purchased by being the first one to grab the tag beside the work of art that you choose – if the tag is gone move on to your NEXT choice! (Artwork can be purchased by cash or check only – sorry, no Credit or Debit cards. Payment is made at time of purchase.)Doors open at Noon on May 12 – be there on time for the best selection.
All artwork is donated to benefit the exhibition program at the Laconia Gallery, a 501(c)3 non-profit exhibition space.
Your purchased artwork can be picked up Sat & Sun, May 19 & 20, 12-4pm.
Donating 2012 Artists: (as of 5/7/12)
Ilona Anderson
Brett Angell
John Axon
Noah David Bau
Fabrizio Bellanca
Susan Jane Belton
Brian Bishop
Resa Blatman
Gideon Bok
Nataliya Bregel
Celine Browning
John Burkett
Luke Cannon
Brenda Cirioni
Dana Clancy
Hannah Cole
Candice Smith Corby
Linda Cordner
Barbara Corkey
Lisa Costanzo
Andrea Croak
David Curcio
Thomas Dahlberg
Ruth Daniels
Michael David
Sean Downey
Steven J. Duede
Laura Evans
Catherine Evans
Peter Evonuk
Chris Faust
Leah Giberson
Amy Gillespie
Lina Maria Giraldo
Shane Godfrey
Audrey Goldstein
John Guthrie
Arthur Henderson
James Hull
Jeff Hull
Cynthia Kozdeba
Danielle Krcmar
Julie Levesque
Scott Listfield
Catherine Maldonado
Liette Marcil
Sam Matsumoto
Michele Mercaldo
Marc Mitchell
Steve Novick
Kathleen O’Hara
Linda Price-Sneddon
Joan Resnikoff
Ellen Rich
Isabel Riley
Jen Roberts
Amy Ross
Rob Rovenolt
John Roy
Peggy Russell
Chris Sanchez
Sam Shaw
Susan Still Scott
Jeff Smith
Guy Michel Telemaque
Hilary Tolan
Kate True
Kimberly Varney
Donna Veverka
Joe Wardwell
Doug Weathersby/Environmental Services
Ann Wessmann
Deb Todd Wheeler
Heidi Whitman
Helena Wurzel
Maxine Yalovitz-Blankenship
Brian Zink